It's time for another flashback from Mel!

Hi Guys!

It’s Thursday, which means it’s Mel, and I’m taking over Dee’s newsletter again. It just so happens I’ve got some exciting news to share with you, too.

Did you know Dee released a surprise boxed set of the original Illusion Series Trilogy? She’s sneaky that one, I’ll tell you. 

I’m going to reach out to some of my friends and see if they want to do a buddy read. With Encore coming out in October, it’s the perfect time to get a re-read in while the price is right. And… speaking of buddies and books, I found an old blog post of Belle’s I wanted to share with you all. Belle has always been not only my BFF but my biggest fan as well.


It’s your girl Belle, and I just got home from another exciting weekend with BAD and my girl Mel.

Today, I’m going to get a bit serious for a minute. Amelia Greyson has been my best friend since we were in elementary school. There isn’t anyone I love or trust more than her. Over the weekend she was having a bit of a crisis. I’m sharing this story with her permission.

Mel is overwhelmed in the best kind of way. She’s on tour with one of the biggest bands in the world, she’s doing her book tour, and she’s writing BAD’s farewell story. It’s a lot to take in and work through. Plus, let’s be real – BAD couldn’t have better fans, and I think that’s what has Mel a bit stumped.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen her at the shows, but every night she’s there taking pics of our guys and YOU. That’s right, you guys have also been her focus. Mel has been so touched by the outpouring of love from you guys she’s stumped. They’ve only been on the road a few weeks, and I swear she already has thousands of photos of fans. From the parking lot shots of all the fans who couldn’t get tickets but want to be there in solidarity, to the ones leaving gifts inside the venues, to after show shots of tears and cheers.

I think that’s where you all can help her. Amelia feels the biggest part of BAD’s story right now is you. They provide the music, but you all provide the love. Don’t be surprised to see yourself in BAD’s story because each and every one of you has stolen a bit of Amelia’s heart.

Now here is how you can help. Comment on this post and let Mel know what else you’d like to see in the book. She’s so overwhelmed with you all she’s having a hard time focusing on where to begin. Do you want to know more about their families? How they deal with haters? What their process is as far as making an album? If you could know one thing about Bastards and Dangerous what would it be?

Mel is going to go through all the responses to help her understand what the readers want to see from her book. There are no right or wrong answers but get creative because that’s when things get fun.

That’s all for now!

Don’t forget – Live today like there’s no tomorrow!

Xs and Os,
