Chasing Cassidy 3D New book image 2.jpg

Zachary Stafford witnessed something horrible when he was a child. Watching a young girl beaten by her father shattered his heart, but it forged a new friendship as well.

Since enduring terrible abuse as a young girl, Cassidy Pope has been shaped into a woman filled with insecurities and self-loathing, regardless of the unconditional love Zack has given her all these years.

Upon the arrival of their wedding day, Cassidy does the one thing she does best—she runs, leaving Zack at the altar.

Zack is nothing if not a man of his word and is determined to bring Cassidy home to him. Will they finally get their happy ending, or will Cassidy allow the demons of her past to keep her from the love she’s always desired?

Chasing Cassidy is a standalone novel.

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